Our Services

Eye Examinations

All our examinations for aged care residents include an assessment of sight and a review of glasses (if currently prescribed). These are bulk billed to Medicare or the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Our equipment allows for us to conduct an eye exam that does not require verbal recognition and hence allows us to make an objective measure of the resident’s eye sight even if they have difficulty communicating with us as may be the case for residents with dementia.

If you would like to know more about managing eye examinations for residents with dementia please get in touch now.

Chronic Conditions

Did you know?

  • 50% of all blindness is caused by macular degeneration (source: Macular Disease Foundation Australia)
  • 1 in 6 Australians over 65 years old report having diabetes; a known contributor to vision loss (source: ABS)
  • There are virtually no symptoms or signs for the early stages of glaucoma; the best way to protect your sight is with regular eye checks that include an optic nerve check (source: Glaucoma Australia)

It is well known that diseases such as diabetes, macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts are more prevalent with older people.

National Eye Care is the only aged care provider with advanced mobile retinal photography equipment that provides early detection of diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and diabetes.

We are so passionate about early intervention and the role it has in extending sight that this service is provided as a standard for all our resident eye exams at no extra cost.

To learn more about preventative measures we can put in place at your facility and a demo of our equipment get in touch with our team now.

Affordable Eyewear

With National Eye Care, residents have access to an affordable range of prescription glasses.

We also support those residents with private health insurance in submitting their claims to their health fund so that they may receive their glasses at less or no cost.

Before proceeding with any glasses order, we have policies in place to establish contact with residents’ families or next of kin, where necessary to involve them in the care plan and seek their approval.

To see our full range of frames and learn more about our processes speak with our team.

Benefits for Your Facility Team

We recognise and appreciate the work your facility team does for Australian elders.
That is why we also extend a great range of benefits to your facility team such as free eye exams, affordable quality prescription glasses, free education and even discounted designer sunglasses!

Speak with us now to learn more about the benefits we can provide to your residents and facility team.

Compliance & Accreditation

Our comprehensive eye care program and delivery of our on-site optical services helps your facility satisfying component of the accreditation requirements as stipulated by Government. By determining visual capabilities of residents and their visual function status the team from National Eye Care can assist you in complying with Standard 2.16 (Sensory Loss) as outlined in the Standards and Guidelines for Residential Aged Care Services.

Please speak to a member of our team to discuss your compliance needs in more detail.